As part of the release of the new Netflix-exclusive show 3%, GRAFX CO. was approached by premiere Interactive Agency RED, to create the VFX for three promotional teaser trailers. Based in a fictional dystopian-future, the show features a mysterious selection process and shady governments. Showing both sides of the story, one of the trailers features this year's selection hopefuls listening to a speech by Ezequiel (the leader of the process) while the other features a member of a rebel group attempting to expose the truth.

The Cause Trailer

From the perspective of the underground, we see Ezequiel proselytizing via a large screen, much to the apparent chagrin of one of their members. Taking offense at the "Lies" perpetrated by the government one activist expresses their displeasure in a markedly non-peaceful manner.

VFX Breakdown - The Cause

GRAFX CO. was supplied with footage filmed on location in Brazil, and asked to create a large LED propaganda screen from scratch. The screen itself, the rock, the shards of glass, the sparks, the technical glitches and even the spray paint on the wall, were all created and composited by our team.

- Propaganda

Tasked with a greenscreen extension/replacement on a particularly tricky shot, GRAFX CO. rotoscoped, keyed, replaced and extended the screen, and just for good measure added the glowing lights those lucky enough to become a part of the 3% receive behind their ears.

  • Client

    • Client : Netflix
    • :
  • Agency

    • Company : RED Interactive Agency
  • Post-Production

    • Company : GRAFX CO.
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