Justin Timberlake
#haveyouseenthiscouple – 17,417,569 views and counting!
Client: Justin Timberlake – Director: Dennis Liu – Project: Have you seen this couple?
Awards: Winner of 3 Clio Awards
Not A Bad Thing
Dreamspace teamed up with Radical Media, and Director Dennis Liu, to help create this Clio Award winning music video for Justin Timberlake’s song “Not a Bad Thing”. The video follows Dennis and his crew as they attempt to find a man who expressed his love for all the world to see, and the lady he proposed to.

The Story
Based on the true story of a man proposing to his girlfriend on a late night LIRR train in New York, and featuring interviews on the meaning and understanding of love with couples of all races, genders and sexual orientation, the video explores the timeless and universal human experience of falling in love.

Starting with a tale of love and capitalizing on the connectivity social media brings to us all, We were tasked with creating all print materials, graphics and VFX for the campaign. From posters taped to street lights, to online banners and even Phone UI elements, we delivered a full media package. Using the hashtag #haveyouseenthiscouple the social campaign ended up going viral, resulting in over 9 million Youtube views. The scope and cross-platform nature of this project aided in winning this spot three Clio awards in Music – Innovative Media, Music – Cross Marketing Campaign, and Music – Film